Man, I haven't touched Flash in so long and I feel dirty for it. I need some inspiration, I've been sitting on my ass every day. I've got plenty of time and resources, just nothing to do. I know once I pick up my Wacom pen and jump into it something will come to me. But for now I'll stick to bitching about how I'm not working on anything while refusing to acknowledge that it's my own laziness that's keeping me from doing so. *Sigh* When will I learn?
NagBot v.258 (inspiration edition) reporting in!
Remember Marshie the Mallow? That was neat, simple, and something you'd be able to do in a day. If you're looking for something to get you back into flash, how about checking out the possibilities for a sequel to it?
Like, a similar one about Poppy the Corn or Sir Chikn IV?
Whenever you're uncertain, just go for broke and do something small and satisfactory. :3
Best wishes!